Hotel Sokhamon
An excellent choice for travelers visiting Dakar, Hotel Sokhamon offers a family atmosphere and a host of services designed to enhance your stay. Hotel Sokhamon offers a host of amenities, including air conditioning. You can also stay connected via free wi-fi. Room service is available to make your stay even more pleasant. There's also a swimming pool and lounge. Free parking is available for guests with vehicles. Not far from Marche HLM (4.7 km), Hotel Sokhamon is ideally located for exploring Dakar's many attractions. Fancy some shrimp? Go to a nearby restaurant such as LAGON 1. Historic sites such as Phare Des Mamelles, Îles de la Madeleine and Dakar Railway Station are also well worth a visit. Enjoy your stay in Dakar!
- Balcony
- Conference room
- Restaurants
- Spacious room
- Spacious wardrobe
- Wireless internet
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